Postgres 9.04 on OS X 10.7 Lion

I installed PostgreSQL on my new MacBook Air today via Homebrew. Having installed it I was mystified why I could not connect without specifically specifying the host was localhost. e.g. yes:postgres ian$ psql –list psql: could not connect to server: Permission denied Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket \ “/var/pgsql_socket/.s.PGSQL.5432″? Instead I would have to specify “psql –host=localhost –list”. Turns out that 10.7 has postgres installed by default (or…

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Losing focus on Windows 7

I came across an irritating issue on my Windows 7 machine. Something would keep tacking focus from me. As I spend a lot of time in a full screen Ubuntu virtual machine under VMWare, this was amazingly annoying but I just couldn’t track it down. Eventually a suggestion from Simon Bisson that iTunes had a reputation for doing such things put me on the right track. I don’t have iTunes on Windows but I did…

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